Attribution in Marketing Measurement

A key element to marketing is to accurately measure its effectiveness, so that we can, with precision, optimize and improve it. Attribution is a measurement process that consists of looking at individuals, identifying what marketing they were exposed to, and tracking that against some marketer-defined conversion event. There are many ways to attribute an impression to a conversion event, however, to do it properly involves two key concepts: click to learn about them.

CPM Strategies of Real Time Auctions & Dynamic Bidding

Real time auctions have opened a great opportunity for advertisers to reach their target audience.  The general ease of setup, scale, and targeting allow for marketers to advertise in ways they could not do before.  One tricky part of bidding, however, is how much does one bid?  Bid too low and the quality of the… Continue reading CPM Strategies of Real Time Auctions & Dynamic Bidding

Digital Marketers: Behold the Power of… Radio?

While a person can be easily distracted while looking at multiple things at once – say, for instance, while glancing at a television, their tablet and out their window, it’s really only possible to listen to one thing at a time, with audio therefore commanding consumer attentiveness more than visual-first mediums. 

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Get On Board – The Incrementality Train Is (Finally) Here

In the past year, we’ve witnessed ad tech companies merge, acquire, change names, evolve business models, upsize (and downsize), go public (and go private) and modify targeting and attribution strategies. Despite all the turmoil and noise, has it been enough to solve the fundamental problems that have long plagued programmatic media buying?

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